Russia Accuses US of “Incitement” in Georgia

Georgia, cc Flickr miss_rubov, modified,



Contrary to being a detached observer of the conflict in Georgia, Russian officials claim the US has incited the Georgian offensive in South Ossetia via years of military assistance and training.  Such claims indicate how this regional conflict could mushroom from a proxy war into a direct clash between Russia and the US.

The claim was made during a Friday press conference in which Chairman of Russia’s State Duma Security Committee, Vladimir Vasilyev, stated that Georgia’s decision to retake the breakaway region of South Ossetia would not have been feasible without the belief that Georgia would have Western support.

Such belief has been bolstered by US aid dating back to 2002, under the auspices of the Georgia Train and Equip Program and the Sustainment and Stability Operations Program.  The former was a $64 million program replete with 200 Special Operations Forces, light weapons, vehicles, and communications supposedly aimed at countering alleged Al Qaeda influence in the Pankisi Gorge; the operation ended in September 2007.  The latter security assistance program, beginning in 2005, saw Georgia’s military capabilities augmented as it committed thousands of troops to the US-led multinational coalition in Iraq, making it the third largest contributor.

Combined with NATO’s courtship and flush with revanchism, the Caucasus country has been emboldened enough to conduct its military foray into South Ossetia.  However, media reporting emphasizing Russia’s decision to counter the Georgian offensive has overshadowed US complicity and furthermore, has obscured what is truly at stake in the region for both superpowers.

Besides the self-determination of 70,000 South Ossetians who mostly possess Russian passports and have strong ties with the Russian territory of North Ossetia, at stake is a key oil pipeline in the region.  The US and UK-financed $3B Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline runs through Georgia from the Caspian Sea to markets in the West, allowing the West to reduce its dependency on Middle Eastern oil as well as supplies from Russia, especially since Russia has shown a willingness to shut off access during diplomatic disputes in recent years.

It is unlikely that the Russians would forcibly seize control of the pipeline, but the conflict’s potential to disrupt oil supplies and deter future investment in the region means that the US will ensure that its investment continues to reap benefits and that Georgia remains firmly under a Western sphere of influence.  This means that the US will continue constructing its cordon sanitaire around a resurgent Russia via the extension of NATO membership to former Soviet bloc countries, as well as the establishment of its missile defence system in Central Europe.

Likewise, an affronted Russia will continue to respond to US encroachment in its backyard by flexing its muscles in a geopolitical game of chess from the Caspian to the Gulf of Mexico that may deter potential US allies and bolster US enemies.  The end result will be more proxy wars reminiscent of the Cold War that could snowball into direct conflict between the two superpowers unless cool heads prevail.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, South Ossetia broke away from Georgian rule in a 1991-92 war and has since exercised de facto sovereignty but is not internationally recognized by any UN members.

On Thursday August 7, Georgian troops and warplanes attacked South Ossetian separatist forces in an offensive aimed at re-taking control of the breakaway region.  On Friday August 8, Russia sent troops into South Ossetia to counter Georgian forces, fulfilling a vow to defend their secessionist “compatriots”.

Approximately 2000 civilians have been killed and thousands more displaced.


SUMMARY OF EVENTS: August 4 – 11, 2008


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United States

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The leader of Georgia’s rebel province of South Ossetia said on Wednesday that Georgia is planning a full-scale invasion of the region before the start of September.

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said on Thursday he was prepared to enter into “any kind of talks,” in order to find a solution to the current Georgian-South Ossetian conflict.

Georgia will withdraw 1,000 soldiers from Iraq to help fight off Russian forces in Georgia’s breakaway region of South Ossetia, the head of Georgia’s Security Council, Kakha Lomaia, said on Friday.


Russia sent forces into Georgia on Friday to repel a Georgian assault on the breakaway South Ossetia region and Georgia’s pro-Western president said the two countries were at war.




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North Korea

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