Comments on: Ukraine on the Brink: A Fragile Calm Military, Politics, Economy, Energy Security, Environment, Commodities Geopolitical Analysis & Forecasting Mon, 30 Apr 2018 20:43:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: ETNIKS Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:47:52 +0000 While the visible foreign players are those representing different countries from the West and also from Russia on the East, the facts are the undercurrents are mainly being controlled by the same dark hidden forces that control most of the world using finances and debt as their weapon.

The disturbances in Ukraine while having a domestic cause, just like it has happened in many other countries from Egypt to Libya to Syria, Venezuela etc. they all are opportunistically being intervened by this Cabal in order to further their aims to establish a New World Order that will give them even more control over the world’s resources.

THIS CONFLICT HAS LITTLE TO DO WITH REAL DEMOCRACY and much to do with advancing this Zionist financial Cabal’s agenda while using idealists who have genuine democratic goals, but are being played as cannon fodder to achieve totally opposite goals. In short, the democratic forces are shooting their own foot by forcing their way into a closer association with the EU.

It is ludicrous for protesters demand "democracy" while at the same time being instrumental in bringing about a Coup D’etat against a sitting elected president.

One wonders how is it possible millions of Ukrainians can’t see how bad Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus and even Italy are doing in the EU. Are they blind? Don’t they understand one thing is the image of the EU and another is the reality of the EU?

The Euro is the POISON that is being used by this financial Cabal to rob the citizens of the EU from their hard earned wealth. The monetary system called Fractional Reserve is a FRAUD and it is being used as the bases of control.

For this Cabal Ukraine and especially the Ukrainians is of no particular interest except in their plans on the chess-board to advance to the biggest price: Russia and its vast territory and resources.
Putin knows this and it is Ironic how things are turning out when we see a Russian leader as being one of the very few INDEPENDENT leaders in the world confronting this Cabal. Obama in the US, Hollande, Cameron, Merkel are all a bunch of whores thoroughly sold out to this Cabal, being ordered and controlled by their countries’ DEBT and personal rewards.
MOST OF THE WORLD’S DEBT IS FAKE and has been created artificially by Fractional Reserve Banking from the moment the currency was created. If the world’s money had not been produced by Fractional Reserve Banking, we would NOT be suffering this global debt crisis.

The solution is to first understand how money creation functions now and how it is used to rob the world from its wealth, and then change the MONETARY SYSTEM to cut off the bleeding benefiting this Cabal of evil bastards.

Video explains this here

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
Henry Ford

"The study of Money, is one in which complexity is used
to evade truth, not to reveal it"
John Kenneth Galbraith

"If you want to remain slaves of the bankers and pay for the costs of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control the nation’s credit"
Sir Josiah Stamp
1880-1941 Former Director Bank of England

"Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as it’s most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile…Once a nation parts with the control of it’s credit it matters not who makes the laws…Usury once in control will wreck any nation."
MacKenzie King,
Canadian Prime Minister

"History records that the money changers (bankers) have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over government by controlling Money and its issuance."
James Madison

"Each and every time a bank makes a loan, new bank credit is created, -new deposits- brand new money"
Graham F. Towers
Governor, Bank of Canada

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies…
If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency,the banks and corporations that will grow around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered"
Thomas Jefferson

By: Fred Labarre Tue, 25 Feb 2014 22:26:34 +0000 Facts are facts. Corruption, of course, is an evil most want to see eradicated. This is why you have courts and elections – when they work. In this case Yanukovich (corrupt as he is) was elected more or less fairly and freely. How do I know? FACT: Because the EU, the OSCE and the Council of Europe said so! Now, FACT: the Ukrainian people were displeased with rapprochement with the Eurasian Union because it meant they wouldn’t get to have easier access to the EU anytime soon. That is the original reason for the Maidan. FACT: Yanukovich, after initial beatings, called for restraint of the police forces, and sought dialogue. Now, that dialogue may not have been honest, but it did lead to concessions. What did the Maidan do? Not abide by negotiations, but make more demands, namely, that Yanukovich resign, and new elections. FACT: It is mostly after it proved futile to negotiate with the Maidan that force was drastically (and illegitimately) employed. FACT: Snipers were deployed, and killings were made, and that is wrong. FACT: Yanukovich fled, and probably to his political base out east, and what was found at his lavish dacha would put him in jail. But, FACT: stately homes for leaders are not an exception; the Governor General in Canada has an even bigger one, and there are no elections – not even fake ones for him/her! So let’s not go overboard with that just yet. And now, a final FACT: Timoshenko makes a miracle appearance, in a wheelchair, but chubbier nonetheless. I guess the Oscars were a bit early this year, because make no mistake, it’s not because a corrupt oligarch has put her in jail that she is innocent! FACT: The West – and the US, including Canada – tried to stay as far as possible from this, precisely for the reasons given by another person in this thread; these "revolutions" never achieve their stated aims, and they just put more abusive people in power. Better to have slow, gradual change than a radical overthrow. Don’t believe me? Look at Georgia, look at Romania, never mind Libya! What we may end up with here is a Kosovo of massive proportions, and with no easy solution in sight. 10 million dead in the Famine. dozens of thousands killed in the Purges. Hundreds of thousands killed in World War II. And now, this, and what will follow from this. When will it end?

By: Rick Lisak Tue, 25 Feb 2014 19:49:09 +0000 Democracy is hard. It is a lot more difficult than oligarchs and their henchmen creating a facade of governance. It takes time to develop institutions on a local and federal level that legislate, adjudicate and carry out laws for the overall benefit of the people. The only answer is for the citizens of Ukraine to come together and begin the tedious, time consuming process to build these institutions. But first, everyone needs to put down the weapons. The endless cycle of violence and retribution will only prolong the pain. Hopefully, the result will be a Ukraine that is not west leaning or east leaning, but a Ukraine that serves its own interests.

By: Lothar M. HAHN Tue, 25 Feb 2014 18:36:47 +0000 Sad to say – but for me the EC is to be blamed for VERY plump and ignorant diplomacy! HOW can one offer assiciation to UA without seeking compromise and arrangements with RUS before??!
Kiew is called "the mother of Russian cities" – but at BXL knowledge of history, relations and dependencies is obviously more than poor….
That US has shipped money through diplomatic pouch to Kiew and paid 25USD per day for / to Maidan protesters ?? Many stories are circulating which nobody is able to proof and journalism is unfortunately also biased.
I have my personal experience with Macedonia and the UCK / liberating poor Albanians…. the only thing they in fact liberated was their smuggling highway BG-MAK-KOS-Albania, which got blocked by MAK police and customs in the Tetovo area! But now we have the glorious Ohrid agreement and a 2nd language for a country that can’t afford it. Thank you Mr Solana!

By: Frank Aguilera Tue, 25 Feb 2014 17:38:51 +0000 The crisis in Ukraine has all the potential for a major geopolitical confrontation between Russia and its allies, and the U.S. et al. This could well trigger WWIII. The fundamental question is, is it worth it for the West? If the Russians were to be kicked out of Ukraine, once and for all, would they be willing to live with it? There are too many elements of irrationality in this conflict, and that is where a great danger to world peace looms. To curb the growing power of new Czar Putin by stirring up old family quarrels among mutually-hating Slav cousins, is a recipe for disaster. If the West, and all its dependent allied nations, must make a case to go to war against Russia for being a maximum-alert threat to freedom and democracy, I think it is doing it the wrong way. But, like everything else in life, only time can tell.

By: Mike Tue, 25 Feb 2014 15:22:35 +0000 I would suggest the Ukrainians stop reading the media and voice their own preferences for a smooth transition of their own ideal of the future Ukraine.
From the outside looking in and no personal attachments, i would try to build on the current constitution rather than have others draw up a new one that serves their interests over the Ukrainians.
Apply all passion to improving the status quo.
Perhaps an east leaning half and a west leaning half collected under the same gov’t & constitution?
Polls have more meaning to the pollsters desires unless it has 100% participation of those affected by claims, …don’t hold your breath for that to happen anywhere, it would not please the pollsters at all.

By: Tamtim Tue, 25 Feb 2014 06:25:54 +0000 A cursory google search says:

(cited several times)

By: VaskaT Tue, 25 Feb 2014 05:05:11 +0000 "According to polls conducted last December, 43% of Ukrainians approve of closer links with the EU. "

Could you please give a source for this claim.

By: Bruce E Woych Tue, 25 Feb 2014 04:12:06 +0000 Study:
About the author
Mridula Ghosh
heads the East European Development Insti-tute, an Ukraine based international NGO, whose projects won
national and international recognition. She has authored and
edited monographs, articles, policy papers and many UNDP
Ukraine publications
access link:
October 2012

By: Bruce E Woych Tue, 25 Feb 2014 04:02:13 +0000 The Struggle for Ukraine – Protests Made in Germany, America and the EU
By Peter Schwarz
Global Research, December 06, 2013
World Socialist Web Site
[important excerpt]:
"The EU Agreement excludes simultaneous membership in a Russian-led customs union and would thus cut off Ukraine from its main trading partner, with which Ukraine’s industry and transport routes are closely connected. The abolition of customs duties on European goods would also mean bankruptcy for many Ukrainian industries.

The terms of the agreement, which include the introduction of EU rules for labor market deregulation, the privatization of state enterprises and a reduction in the public debt, would have a social impact similar to the EU austerity programs imposed on Greece, Romania and other countries. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is already denying Ukraine a much-needed credit because the government refuses to hike the price of gas by 40 percent—a move that would inevitably result in the death of many unemployed people and pensioners unable to pay their heating bills."
