Comments on: The US-Iran Nuclear Breakthrough in Geneva Military, Politics, Economy, Energy Security, Environment, Commodities Geopolitical Analysis & Forecasting Mon, 07 May 2018 19:50:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Johnmac Sun, 01 Dec 2013 07:11:29 +0000 This is not good news. Israel will not commit suicide. N.Korea felt the earth move. China is more confident that our primary reaction to their aggressiveness will be bluster. Can anybody help Obama understand most conflicts began because one side underestimated the other. The next move is up our Senate. They must begin to earn their pay and stop this tragedy before we have to go to war again.

By: Shep Fargotstein Sat, 30 Nov 2013 19:14:16 +0000 Did Obama’s advisor write this pieice? There is NO DEAL. It was announced as a "done deal" but the State department has already said it is only a 6 month talk ssession with nothing mmore than an additional year of talks.
This is simply smoke and mirrors to preemkpt israel from striking Iran.

What is missing from this rosey analysis is that there will be repercussions from the USA outreach to Iran and throwing allies under the bus. Others will – out of neccessity have to fill the void left in the wake of Obama’s surrender of USA influence in the Mideast to Iran.

I am almost 60 years old and this is – without a doubt – the most distubing US foriegn policy development since Jimmy Carter (which not surprisingly also included the Iranians.

By: Jaime Einstein Sat, 30 Nov 2013 08:16:09 +0000 This "deal" will bring "pace" and be a "game changer" the same way as ChamberlainĀ“s magnificent "deal" with Hitler in 1938. It seems nobody has learned anything from history. Kerry and Obama both live out of range of Iranian missiles (for now, that is). Iran had a terrible hand in this game of Poker, but they played it brilliantly. Kerry is an arrogant fool, but he will not be the one to pay the immediate consequences of his folly. Israel will be forced to act alone, and Saudi Arabia and Turkey will be forced to go nuclear… This is the new version of "peace in our time".

By: Frank Aguilera Sat, 30 Nov 2013 06:37:38 +0000 This preliminary agreement brings some hope for world peace, but it is anybody’s guess whether it marks the beginning of a permanent solution to the simmering conflict in the Middle East. Iran seems to have an endless ability to procrastinate, and to get the best out of any situation.
While the West follows a script of talking peace, while preparing for war, Iran puts out signals for war, and hopes for peace and supremacy in the Middle East.

Iran is aware that an all-out confrontation with the U.S. and its allies, would be a total disaster for them, but also an unpredictable, near-total catastrophe for its rivals
That is one of the cards up the sleeve for Iran.

By accepting limits to its military nuclear development,
Iran stands to gain economic prosperity and world prestige
That is why both Israel and Saudi Arabia are so unhappy with this new deal. That is Iran’s second card up the sleeve.

By opening up to Iran, the U.S. hopes to curb its emergence as a great power in the region. This objective is attainable, but only for a brief period, let us say, between now and the next presidential election in the U.S.

The Iranians are using to their full advantage the recent economic troubles in the U.S., and the ill-advised wars
it chose to start. They also benefit from the rise of China as a world power, the return of Russia to international prominence, and the hardline taken by of some anti U.S.
nations in South America.

The all-or-nothing stance of key allies of the U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia, is grounded in their conviction that peace with Iran means defeat for them in the long-run. They do not fear all-out war because they seem over-confident about the West and their own military and economic superiority. They may well be right in this assumption, but they stand to lose much less than the Western powers if they prove to be wrong. There is a strong element of uncertainty on the part of the U.S. and other Western nations not felt by Israel and Saudi Arabia. They seem to fear that the West and Iran could well live on as rival powers within their own spheres of influence. They sense defenestration as the two most important regional allies of the West in the region. Therefore, war is their only option.

Under the prevailing circumstances, either war or peace with Iran, for the U.S. is a lose-lose situation. This is the unwanted effect created by the uncertainty factor mentioned above.

By: Harry Davis Fri, 29 Nov 2013 08:15:42 +0000 Sounds like a good deal to me, a leap along the way. Next thing would be to get a similar agreement of the other nuclear powers, including UK, US and Israel, to do the same with their stockpiles of weapons grade uranium

By: E benAbuya Fri, 29 Nov 2013 03:53:12 +0000 Everybody is talking as if the "preliminary deal" is actually in effect.
"A preliminary deal has been reached between the P5+1 parties and Iran,. . ."
"The Geneva deal is only a temporary agreement which is set to expire in six months. Talks will continue over this period in the hope of hammering out a permanent deal."
In fact, although the US has already released some of Iran’s frozen assets, THERE IS AS YET NO DEAL.
The triumph of wishful thinking over reality.

By: John S Mon, 25 Nov 2013 21:23:20 +0000 The only winner is the terrorist regime in Iran.
How do we really win? Except to give Obama a quick fix. No. Like healthcare, the gun issue, Benghazi, gun runner, etc, etc, this admin finds sound bites more desirable than an actual solution.
The danger is to Israel and the rest of that region.

By: Tim Mahoney Mon, 25 Nov 2013 16:35:54 +0000 As always, the devil is in the details. Cynically, after decades of waving at America, one finger at a time, and aggressively pursuing nuclear weapons, we are now expected to believe that Iran is going to voluntarily "freeze" (not dismantle, mind you!) its nuclear development actions in return for the bribe of loosened economic sanctions? Why do we believe this? Sounds frighteningly similar to the on again, off again, actions of North Korea, doesn’t it? America has come a long way from the days of "Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute!" Talk about "low T"!
