Comments on: The Expanding X-Band Radar Network: US ‘Asia Pivot’ Gets Real Military, Politics, Economy, Energy Security, Environment, Commodities Geopolitical Analysis & Forecasting Fri, 18 May 2018 13:52:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: YiJiun Mon, 07 Mar 2016 10:38:00 +0000 With X-band radar network seeking to neutralize any credible Chinese deterrent, deeper strategic implications are introduced into the Chinese defensive designs far beyond the dimensions of A2AD. What’s at stake at the heart here is strategic nuclear balance across the IndoPacific region.

China has been exploiting strategic differences between the former Cold War rivals to fortify its otherwise vulnerable position in this international geopolitical equation which is unsustainable in the foreseeable future.

Under the “Pivot to Asia” project, Washington is also intensifying deployment of its nuclear forces to the region.

Now, with increasing pressure around the Chinese periphery to challenge China’s sovereign interests and rights, what can be its answer to that?

Obviously, China has to step up enhancing its 2nd strike capacity with credible development of nuclear missile submarines. To ensure the potency of deterrence, the deployment of long-range hypersonic stealth bombers in the strategic Chinese arsenal is an added critical edge, supported by the establishment of strategic overseas military bases and aircraft carriers to enable power projection that draws hostile American forces away from clustering in China’s backyard.

With an abundance of qualified manpower, the infiltration of Chinese spy network to defuse threats posed by X-band stations can be carefully engineered.

In time to come, Beijing will set up its own X-band radar installations to broaden defensive buffer zones not only around the Chinese periphery but further afield, giving Washington a taste of its own medicine.

Of course, there’s still a long way before any credible defense buildup but as a Chinese saying goes, journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step….Key is to be resolute in this endeavor, with the necessary determination and boldness.

“Star Wars” is certainly the future…
