The ultimate motive will bring Beijing to the center of power in the region in the long term, and allow them to dictate terms to everyone else. The first targets will be the (perceived to be easier to influence) ASEAN countries, with whom China has already been cultivating increasingly warm relationships (Malaysian and Indonesia here. Laos and Cambodia already follow the Chinese line with Burma). Thailand, Vietnam and the Phillipines still stand out in opposition (although the Thais are too pre-occupied with their own problems at the moment). China will use its economic leverage over Australia to drive a wedge into its alliance with the US over the long term, a major gamble.
Ultimately China’s desired position will allow it to totally humiliate Japan, a long term strategic goal of theirs, and the China-Japan relational dynamic is the most critical and sensitive in the region by far. China will attempt to provoke Japan into an open conflict, when Beijing can choose the timing and setting of the battle, without adequate US support. Think 2025 for that one.
China has numerous problems, and it will not move toward democracy in our lifetimes. It is not in the nature of the regime or the culture. The regime requires total control of the population, resources, and politics, and the guiding hand over capital and institutions. It will maintain this at any cost. It will endeavor to overcome its problems, and is doing so pro-actively. It will keep the lid on any problems using materialism, populist programs, fear and intimidation, and force when necessary. They have become experts at social control, surpassing the Nazis who are the ones they most admire and are trying to perfect their methods (carried over by Stalin, and thence to Mao, etc).
The challenges for the US in this theater are numerous, long, term and complex. Little can be done to influence the Chinese. They are arrogant and indifferent to us and laugh at us, demanding that way "respect" them. Instead, coordination among the other regional players and out-playing the Chinese in diplomacy (especially in South Korea, and the ASEAN countries) is key. Maintaining a high level of military intelligence, readiness and both numerical, and technological edges over the PLAN are also key. The third area would be to carry out deeper anti-PLA and anti-CCP informational warfare, and limiting their options for gaining critical resources with which they can solve their problems.
This will be challenging indeed. We shall all see one of the world’s greatest geopolitical chess games played out in real life on the world stage of the Asia-Pacific theater in our lifetimes. Let us hope we can play well, and better, than the opponent.