Will Bannon’s Asia Policy Survive at the White House?
Before his departure was made official, Steve Bannon was floating the idea of tying a Korean nuclear deal to US troop withdrawals in the South.
Global Forecast (04-24-2017)
No surprises in France’s first round of voting, a big week for Donald Trump, and expanding protests in Venezuela.
The Trump Administration ‘Gets Tough’ on North Korea
Vice President Pence’s hints of MOAB and Tomahawk strikes overlook the fact that North Korea is nothing like Syria.
US Debt: A Ticking Time Bomb?
Part one in a two-part series, this article examines the issue of ballooning US debt.
Interview: Dr. Parag Khanna on How to Fix the US Political System
People are decrying their governments as ineffective and out-of-touch across the Western world. Could more technocracy be the answer?
Outlook 2017: An International System in Flux
The post-Cold War international order is breaking down. By the end of 2017, we will have a better idea what the new one looks like.
President Trump Foreign Policy Checklist
Donald Trump’s stunning win is expected to bring big changes to US foreign policy. Here’s what we can expect.
US Election 2016: Geopolitical Cheat Sheet
In the lead-up to the 2016 US presidential election, Geopoliticalmonitor.com is examining the competing platforms and gauging their geopolitical impact in terms of bilateral relations, free trade, security issues, and political risk.
Trump’s Foreign Policy Revealed, Sort Of
Though his first speech on the subject was short on details and occasionally contradictory, it did give some important clues as to what Trump’s foreign policy would be like should he be elected president.
We Have Lift-Off at the US Federal Reserve
The long-awaited and much-feared US Fed hike will end up being anti-climactic.