Congress Prepares a Wish List for US Defense Spending
President Donald Trump and the Republican-dominated Congress have found common cause in increasing US defense spending. Here’s where some of the money could go.
Will Monroe Doctrine Die with the Trump Presidency?
How will Latin America be affected by Trump’s foreign policy?
Trump, Exceptionalism, and the Russian Boogeyman in US Foreign Policy
How different will US foreign policy look under President Trump?
(Un)Expected US President Donald Trump
The writing on the wall for a Trump victory was always there for anyone who cared to read it.
Interview: Dr. Parag Khanna on US Foreign Policy, Mideast Geopolitics, and Globalization sits down with Dr. Parag Khanna to discuss US foreign policy and the future of globalization.
Donald Trump: a New Dawn in US Foreign Policy?
In terms of foreign policy vision, there’s less separating Donald Trump and President Obama than you might think.
Obama-Modi Summit: US Pivots All the Way to India
Obama doctrine finally got its field test in India, a chance for the president to ‘walk the walk’ of the US pivot.
Pivot or Stumble: Obama’s Landmark East Asia Policy Revisited
Are there cracks running through the main pillar of President Obama’s foreign policy?
US Foreign Policy in the Shadow of the Arab Spring
There is no policy silver bullet that can deal with the wave of anti-US protests sweeping the Muslim world.
Privatized Foreign Policy: The India Lobby
We often think of foreign policy as something that’s only guided by calculations of national interest. This isn’t always the case, and nowhere is this more apparent than in American foreign policy.