For China, All Silk Roads Lead through Afghanistan
A confluence of economic opportunity (developing the country’s vast mineral wealth) and political necessity (ensuring a stable Xinjiang) make post-NATO Afghanistan a perfect testing ground for China’s great power aspirations.
Pivot or Stumble: Obama’s Landmark East Asia Policy Revisited
Are there cracks running through the main pillar of President Obama’s foreign policy?
Green Wave in Taiwan: The DPP’s Election Win and Cross-Strait Relations
The Democratic Progressive Party was swept to victory in local elections last week, but how will Beijing respond to the new normal in Taiwanese politics?
Takeaways from the Beijing APEC Forum
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum afforded an opportunity for all manner of geopolitically awkward encounters, whether Obama and Putin or Xi and Abe. And though the proceedings yielded little in terms of diplomatic breakthroughs, there are still some key takeaways from the event.
China-Vietnam Relations: Rising Panda Hidden Angst
Daniel Bodirsky examines the historical context of Vietnam’s apprehension towards its powerful northern neighbor.
Peace Is the Only Answer in China-Japan Island Dispute
Cooler heads must prevail in the ongoing island dispute between China and Japan.
Forecast 2014: Northeast Asia
The Geopoliticalmonitor’s Zachary Fillingham examines some of the defining political, economic, and military trends for Northeast Asia in 2014.
Next Up for Reform in China: a Small Step or a Giant Leap?
The Geopoliticalmonitor’s Zachary Fillingham discusses some of the rumored reforms that will be considered during the third plenum in China next month.
Is Abe’s Win a Loss for Japan’s Pacifist Constitution?
The Geopoliticalmonitor's Zachary Fillingham asks the question: Does Abe's recent win mean changes in Japan's pacifist constitution?
Rundown of the Xi-Obama Summit
In the wake of the Xi-Obama summit, both American and Chinese media outlets have stressed how ‘constructive’ the meetings were. But given the existence of certain structural impediments in the US-China relationship, was the summit doomed before it even started?