Citrus Summit Signals Business as Usual in US-China Relations
Like his predecessors, President Trump campaigned on a platform of getting tough on China. And like his predecessors, he has reversed course upon assuming office.
What to Watch for at Xi-Trump Summit
The Xi-Trump summit will be watched closely for signs of how the Trump administration plans manage one of its most important bilateral relations.
Global Forecast (03-29-2017)
Brexit begins, the Iraqi army makes slow steady in Mosul, and China looks to turn up the heat on Taiwan.
Outlook 2017: China’s Economy Put to the Test
With growing debt, a looming trade war, and deepening capital flight, 2017 could be the year that makes or breaks China’s economy.
China-US Relations under President Trump
The now-infamous Taiwan phone call is a taste of things to come: US-China relations won’t be ‘business as usual’ under President Trump.
Checklist: China’s Targets in a US Trade War
A list of potential targets should a trade war break out between China and the United States.
US Exceptionalism Has No Place in a Multipolar World
The geopolitical order is changing, and Washington should take heed.
Military Power Balance Shifting in the South China Sea
China is moving fast to consolidate an enduring military advantage in the South China Sea.
Missiles Just the Latest Chapter in the South China Sea Saga
The United States’ ‘Freedom of Navigation Operations’ might risk triggering another Gulf of Tonkin-like incident in the South China Sea.
For US and Russia, All Roads Lead to China
Economic engagement with China is a must for both Russia and the United States, regardless of the wax and wane of East-West rivalry.