Historical Holocaust: Daesh’s Lasting Legacy
Daesh’s wanton destruction of cultural relics helped fray the national fabric of countries like Syria and Iraq. It’s now up to the international community to help mend them.
Global Forecast (09-14-2017)
The Astana Talks go in search of a long-term ceasefire for the Syrian civil war, Kenya prepares for a rerun of its presidential elections, and the Chinese economy loses some steam.
President Trump and the Geopolitical World Order: Middle East
The geopolitical world order is being remade under President Trump, but not necessarily in the way he intends. This series takes a region-by-region look at US foreign policy and asks: What does the decline of US power and influence mean for the world?
Backgrounder: Russian Sanctions
The past, present, and future of US-EU sanctions and their impact on the Russian economy.
Turkey-Russia Relations: Close, but Not Too Close
Ankara and Moscow have found a common cause in the Syrian civil war, but geopolitical disagreements in the South Caucuses and beyond will thwart too close of a détente.
Turkey Remade in President Erdogan’s Image
President Erdogan’s long-sought constitutional changes have passed by the narrowest of margins. What comes next for Turkey?
Going Mainstream: Trump’s Reckless Reversal on Syria
Trump’s attack on Syria sets the United States on a dangerous course while raising questions about who’s really in charge in Washington.
Chemical Attack a Game-Changer in Syrian Civil War
An apparent chemical attack by the Assad government has thrown a wrench into President Trump’s plans to wind down the Syrian civil war.
Tillerson’s Visit Shows Rift in US-Turkey Relations
The United States’ reluctant and largely invisible secretary of state made no apparent progress in his stop in Turkey.