Global Forecast (09-14-2017)
The Astana Talks go in search of a long-term ceasefire for the Syrian civil war, Kenya prepares for a rerun of its presidential elections, and the Chinese economy loses some steam.
President Trump and the Geopolitical World Order: Middle East
The geopolitical world order is being remade under President Trump, but not necessarily in the way he intends. This series takes a region-by-region look at US foreign policy and asks: What does the decline of US power and influence mean for the world?
Backgrounder: Russian Sanctions
The past, present, and future of US-EU sanctions and their impact on the Russian economy.
Turkey-Russia Relations: Close, but Not Too Close
Ankara and Moscow have found a common cause in the Syrian civil war, but geopolitical disagreements in the South Caucuses and beyond will thwart too close of a détente.
Turkey Remade in President Erdogan’s Image
President Erdogan’s long-sought constitutional changes have passed by the narrowest of margins. What comes next for Turkey?
Going Mainstream: Trump’s Reckless Reversal on Syria
Trump’s attack on Syria sets the United States on a dangerous course while raising questions about who’s really in charge in Washington.
Chemical Attack a Game-Changer in Syrian Civil War
An apparent chemical attack by the Assad government has thrown a wrench into President Trump’s plans to wind down the Syrian civil war.
Tillerson’s Visit Shows Rift in US-Turkey Relations
The United States’ reluctant and largely invisible secretary of state made no apparent progress in his stop in Turkey.
Arab League Summit: King Abdullah’s Delicate Balancing Act
King Abdullah’s position isn’t as secure as some Western leaders might assume.