Default Looms as Venezuela Hopes for a Recovery in Oil Prices
Even though the Maduro government has stopped posting official statistics, it’s no secret that the economic situation in the Bolivarian Republic is going from bad to worse.
Argentina’s Debt Crisis Will Outlive the Fernández Presidency
Expect the tussle over whose law has priority in Argentina’s debt crisis to continue after President Fernández steps down.
Default Looms for Argentina
The people of Argentina are facing their second debt default in just 13 years, but there’s reason to believe that this one won’t be as economically painful as the last.
Venezuela Protests: Background and Potential Fallout
Venezuela has been in the grip of nationwide protests since mid-February, when students in the states of Tachira and Merida took to the streets demanding increased security after a student was almost raped on her university campus.
Colombia Looks to NATO and Beyond in Regional Defense
Outlining some of Colombia's recent contributions to regional defense in Latin America.
Post-Chavez US-Venezuela Relations: Headed for a Thaw?
Rarely is global politics graced with a personality as bombastic and divisive as Hugo Chavez, yet like love him or hate him, his successor will inevitably need to overhaul large parts of Venezuela’s domestic and foreign policy.
Falklands 2012: War or Diplomacy?
As this year marks the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War, Argentina and the United Kingdom are locked in an intense war of words, looming legal disputes, potential economic hostilities, and a bitter public relations fight.
Argentina Briefing
A brief overview of the historical, political, military, and economic issues that Argentina faces in the 21st century.
The Fragility of Brazil’s Economic Strength
Brazil, the world’s sixth largest economy currently faces significant challenges in its attempt to control inflation and combat “Dutch disease”.