Putin the Opportunist
Recent moves in Syria afford Putin even more leverage over EU governments reeling from the refugee crisis.
Lavrov: Russia, U.S. to Cooperate on Islamic State
A mix of cooperation and disagreement prevails as the Russian military wades into the mire of the Syrian civil war.
Egypt’s Mistral Purchase and Its Impact on Russia-Middle East Relations
France’s unsold Mistral-class ships have found a buyer in Cairo.
Fears of a Russia-China Axis Overblown
Sino-Russian cooperation is a marriage of convenience, one that masks the serious disagreements which would come to light should geopolitical circumstances change.
Oil and Hubris Are Eroding Putin’s Early Economic Gains
The current political economy of Russia is failing to deliver on long-term growth economic growth.
As Cracks Appear in Minsk II, All Eyes Are on Mariupol
With violations of Minsk II being reported up and down the front, Mariupol is looming large as the next flashpoint in Ukraine.
Europe’s New Normal Edges Finland and Sweden Closer to NATO
Unconfirmed sightings of Russian subs and newly assertive Russian air power is causing some Scandinavian states to re-think NATO membership.
Thawing Out Europe’s Frozen Conflicts
Europe’s ‘frozen conflicts’ have taken on added importance to the Putin government in the new normal of EU-Russia relations.
Putin Has Nothing to Gain in Nemtsov Killing
The Western media has been quick to insinuate that Vladimir Putin may have had something to do with the recent killing of Boris Nemtsov, but the facts seem to suggest otherwise.
Map: Ukraine, Minsk Ceasefire (02/16/15)
Two days into the Minsk ceasefire and it already looks like a little bit of history repeating.