Turkey Shoots Down a Russian Su-24 over Syria
The post-Paris spirit of détente on global terrorism has proven short-lived.
The Kuril Islands: Power Projection and Resource Protection
The disputed Kuril Islands have a key role in Putin’s vision of an empowered Russia.
Russia’s Sino-Japanese Balancing Act
For strategic and economic reasons, Japan is truly the preferred Russian partner in Asia.
US & Russia: Adding Fuel to the Fire in the Middle East
Interventions by the United States and Russia are achieving the opposite of their intended effect in the Middle East.
Stop Playing Checkers with the Chess Masters
The days of the "Bill and Boris Show" in US-Russian relations are long gone, and it's high time that US policymakers took note.
What are Russian Airstrikes Aiming at in Syria?
According to the US State Department, over 90% of Russian airstrikes so far have not targeted ISIS.
Putin the Opportunist
Recent moves in Syria afford Putin even more leverage over EU governments reeling from the refugee crisis.
Lavrov: Russia, U.S. to Cooperate on Islamic State
A mix of cooperation and disagreement prevails as the Russian military wades into the mire of the Syrian civil war.
Egypt’s Mistral Purchase and Its Impact on Russia-Middle East Relations
France’s unsold Mistral-class ships have found a buyer in Cairo.
Fears of a Russia-China Axis Overblown
Sino-Russian cooperation is a marriage of convenience, one that masks the serious disagreements which would come to light should geopolitical circumstances change.