China’s PLA Navy: A Peer Competitor Emerges
Examining the force structure, doctrine, and capabilities of China’s PLA Navy after decades of modernization and rapid shipbuilding.
Beijing’s Malacca Dilemma: Chief Hurdle in a Taiwan Invasion
Though Beijing has taken several steps to alleviate its ‘Malacca Dilemma,’ China remains vulnerable as ever to a naval blockade in a hypothetical conflict with the US Navy, at least in the short-term.
Geopolitical Risks of a PLA Taiwan Blockade
The prospect of a Taiwan blockade by the PLA is increasingly floated as a less costly alternative to a full-on invasion of the island, but any blockade involves its own geopolitical risks.
Backgrounder: The People’s Armed Forces Maritime Militia (PAFMM)
Exploring the history, composition, and tactics of the ‘little blue men’ of China’s littoral waters – the People’s Armed Forces Maritime Militia.
Backgrounder: China’s Blue Dragon Strategy for the Indo-Pacific
A response to US attempts to contain China’s military expansion, China’s Blue Dragon strategy envisions a widening PLA Navy footprint in three critical maritime arenas: the South China Sea, the East China Sea, and the Indian Ocean.
China’s Maritime Expansion: An Emerging Security Dilemma?
Beijing’s acquisition of overseas ports and expansion of PLA Navy projection capabilities shows all the signs of a classic security dilemma.
PLA Navy Launches Prototype Drone Carrier
China’s Zhu Hai Yun is the first drone carrier ever launched, marking a potential turning point in the evolving field of ‘drone swarm’ combat. It won’t be the last.
China’s Solomon Islands Deal and the New Geopolitics
A new security deal between China and the Solomon Islands is the latest reflection of a global order in flux.
South Korea Develops Aircraft Carrier in Military Overhaul
In pursuing a total military overhaul and an aircraft carrier program, President Moon Jae-in is ensuring that South Korea is prepared for the geopolitical uncertainties that lie ahead.
Is China Trying to Draw the United States into Imperial Overstretch?
In its competition with the United States, Beijing might be attempting to win without firing a shot.