Do or Die Time for the Keystone XL?
The Geopoliticalmonitor's Zak Rose examines whether a decision is coming on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline project.
Division or Attraction: An Overview of Libya’s Future after Gaddafi
Examining how Libya's tribal culture might foil the National Transitional Council's dreams of democratic process.
Norway’s Energy Future: Balancing Oil Welfare with Globalization
Examining some of the future economic policy choices faced by the Norweigan government.
Post-Chavez US-Venezuela Relations: Headed for a Thaw?
Rarely is global politics graced with a personality as bombastic and divisive as Hugo Chavez, yet like love him or hate him, his successor will inevitably need to overhaul large parts of Venezuela’s domestic and foreign policy.
Iran-Azerbaijan Relations: Minor Dispute, Far-Reaching Consequences?
A lot has been said recently about Iran-Azerbaijani relations, which is interesting because many people assume that the relationship between these two countries doesn’t have much of an impact on the world stage. Of course, this assumption is wrong.
Falklands 2012: War or Diplomacy?
As this year marks the 30th anniversary of the Falklands War, Argentina and the United Kingdom are locked in an intense war of words, looming legal disputes, potential economic hostilities, and a bitter public relations fight.
Turkey: Regional Powerbroker?
The successful blend of Islam, democracy, a dynamic economy, and significant historical weight make Turkey uniquely qualified to assume a powerful role in the region.
Alberta’s Wildrose Party
Today in Canada Albertans go to the polls in what could be an upset for the incumbent Progressive Conservatives.
Nigeria: Keystone of Africa
Economic development and prosperity in Africa require security – curbing the violent conflict that has plagued the continent.
The Fragility of Brazil’s Economic Strength
Brazil, the world’s sixth largest economy currently faces significant challenges in its attempt to control inflation and combat “Dutch disease”.