China’s Balancing Act with Myanmar Rebels
Cooperating with Kachin’s rebels affords China diplomatic leverage and protection for its considerable investments in the area. But is it worth the damage to its relations with Naypyidaw?
Fact Sheet: Kunming-Singapore High Speed Rail Network
Linking ASEAN states together with a regional rail network is an old idea that has received new impetus with China’s One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR).
TIMELINE: The Sinai Insurgency
A timeline of major attacks against government targets in the Sinai insurgency from 2014-2017.
Madrid Takes Control in Catalonia
As Madrid asserts its direct control over Catalonia, many are looking ahead to new elections on December 21 as make-or-break for the independence movement.
Snapshot: Catalonia and Spain
As a key deadline passes and Madrid assumes direct rule over the region, we contrast the economic metrics of Catalonia and the rest of Spain.
Pressured from All Sides, Will Iraqi Kurdistan Back Down?
The blowback against Iraqi Kurdistan’s independence referendum was swift as it was fierce, with every neighboring state piling pressure on Irbil to back down.
Madrid Cracks Down on Catalonia’s Independence Push
The Spanish government is doing everything it can to thwart Catalonia’s upcoming independence vote. Will it succeed?
President Trump and the Geopolitical World Order: East Asia
The geopolitical world order is being remade under President Trump, but not necessarily in the way he intends. This series takes a region-by-region look at US foreign policy and asks: What does the decline of US power and influence mean for the world?
Kurdish Independence: The Next Phase of the Iraq Civil War?
With the oil-rich city of Kirkuk under its control, the government of Iraqi Kurdistan is moving toward formal independence from Iraq.