Briefing: The Battle for Kobane
The Syrian town of Kobane, also known as Ain-al-Arab, has been the site of fierce fighting between Syrian Kurds and Islamic State (ISIS) for over three weeks. Some have even come to see it as a crucible for President Obama’s military strategy, arguing that if ISIS can still make territorial gains despite US air strikes, the chances for total victory over Islamic State are pretty bleak.
Does Obama Really Want to Defeat Islamic State?
President Obama’s plan to destroy Islamic State is ineffective at best. Rather, NATO allies should aim towards forcing the terrorist organization to implode from within.
Iraq: Divided They Prosper
While it’s expected that it will be the Kurds who separate from Iraq, the real beneficiaries from a break-up of the country would be the Shia. They’re the ones who control 80 percent of the country’s oil wealth, and they would prefer not to share it with hostile neighbors.
Islamic State Online: Jihadist Propaganda 2.0
Islamic State has a deep and sophisticated internet presence unlike any of the jihadist groups that came before it.
Is Fragmentation the Ideal Endgame in Iraq?
Part two continues to highlight the reasons why Islamic State is unlike any other jihadist threat yet faced by the international community, and how a break-up of the Iraqi may be looming on the horizon.
Who Are the Kurds?
Whatever language you use – observers, air support, trainers – President Obama is sending the American military back to Iraq.
The Iraq Redline: Why Obama Chose Now to Initiate Airstrikes against ISIS
It took just one day for President Obama’s announcement of US air strikes in ISIS-held Iraq to translate into operational reality, and the first target chosen by US forces illustrates why this policy shift came about.
Civil War Comes to Iraq
Last week’s ISIS-led offensive suggests that Washington’s worst-case scenario is about to unfold in Iraq.
Syrian Civil War Comes to the Kurds
What does the worsening refugee situation in Iraqi Kurdistan mean for Syria's civil war?
Massoud Barzani: A Regional Powerbroker Rises in Iraqi Kurdistan
The leader of Iraqi Kurdistan is making his mark on Iraqi politics.