Dear Geopolitical European Commission: Crawl Before You Run!
Can the European Union bridge the gap between theoretical and actual power?
COVID-19 in Ukraine: Religion and Geopolitics in a Pandemic
Ukraine’s long-running religious schism has spilled into the country’s COVID-19 response.
Decision Time Looms for Brussels on COVID-19 Response
The upcoming April 7 finance minister summit might one day be looked back on as a turning point in the history of the European Union – for better or worse.
Is Belarus Doomed to Dependence on Russia?
Minsk has tried to carve out a more independent niche since the Ukraine crisis, but its room for maneuver remains severely constrained.
COVID-19: Make or Break Time for the Euro
The Greek sovereign debt crisis left cracks in the foundation of the grand experiment of the euro. Will COVID-19 pry them open?
Madame la Maire: Paris, Reform, and the Improbable Rise of Anne Hidalgo
All eyes on the upcoming Paris election, where the next president of France could be in-the-making.
Politics, Football, and a Change of Geopolitical Course of Bulgaria
The fate of the Borisov government will have consequences for Bulgaria’s geopolitical alignment.
COVID-19 Economic Impact: Italy
The Italian economy was uniquely vulnerable to recession even before COVID-19 arrived.
With Friends Like This: Russia and Turkey Fall Out over Idlib
Reprisal attacks against the Syrian government and renewed refugee flows into Europe are just two of the potential consequences of a deadly airstrike on Turkish troops in Idlib.
All Those Croatian Presidents
A brief recap of those who preceded newly elected president Zoran Milanović.