France: Has Sunday’s Defeat Dashed Le Pen’s Presidential Hopes?
For the National Front, victory or defeat is a matter of its run-off opponent.
EU Counterterrorism Policy: What’s a Border Got to Do with It?
The Paris attacks have shed light on the EU’s counterterrorism policy failings in the post-9/11 era.
Infiltrating the West: Europe’s “Open Door” Refugee Policy and the Threat of Terrorism
There is an important security element to the refugee crisis unfolding in Europe.
The Politics of Europe’s Refugee Crisis
The refugee crisis threatens to unleash the next great wave of political Euroscepticism on the continent.
Eritrea at the Center of Europe’s ‘Clandestine’ Migrant Crisis
The question that every European policymaker should be considering: How do you solve a problem like Eritrea?