Djibouti’s Attempts to Vanquish Dubai Ports Operator Spells Trouble for Washington
If Doraleh port goes the way of Hambantota in Sri Lanka and is ceded to China for non-payment of debt, the United States sprawling Camp Lemonnier could be rendered militarily unviable.
The Significance of Xi Jinping’s First Military Parade
September will mark the first Chinese military parade under the leadership of Xi Jinping, an event that will have geopolitical significance for domestic and international audiences.
Japan Looks to Southeast Asia to Counter China’s Assertiveness
The Abe government is looking to expanded defense cooperation with Southeast Asian nations as a way to counter China’s growing assertiveness and military clout in the region.
China-Vietnam Relations: Rising Panda Hidden Angst
Daniel Bodirsky examines the historical context of Vietnam’s apprehension towards its powerful northern neighbor.
Forecast 2014: Northeast Asia
The Geopoliticalmonitor’s Zachary Fillingham examines some of the defining political, economic, and military trends for Northeast Asia in 2014.
India-China Relations: The Geopolitics of Aksai Chin
Examining the geopolitical significance of the disputed area of Aksai Chin along the Sino-Indian border.
World Briefing, April 2013
A list of some of the critical economic and security issues facing the world in April 2013, covering: North Korea, Japan, China, the Central African Republic, Cyprus, India, Pakistan, Argentina, and Myanmar.
China: Enter the Xi Jinping Administration
We examine the early face of the Xi Jinping administration and ask whether or not it might reveal some policy direction to come.
Australia’s National Security Paper: A Case of Lost Opportunities?
Policymakers in Canberra have missed a big opportunity with Australia's national security paper.
The Economic and Military Implications of Japan’s Elections
The Liberal Democratic Party’s Shinzo Abe emerged as the big winner in last week’s elections in Japan. But any forecast of the next four years of LDP rule must begin with the question: where exactly does the rhetoric end and the real policy begin?