PLA’s Modernization Effort Marches On
Examining China’s military-wide modernization program, which is expanding Beijing’s power projection capabilities and rapidly narrowing the qualitative gap with the United States.
China’s PLA Navy: A Peer Competitor Emerges
Examining the force structure, doctrine, and capabilities of China’s PLA Navy after decades of modernization and rapid shipbuilding.
China’s Solomon Islands Deal and the New Geopolitics
A new security deal between China and the Solomon Islands is the latest reflection of a global order in flux.
China Seeks Atlantic Ocean Military Base
US efforts to rebuff China’s geopolitical advances in Equatorial Guinea are highly reminiscent of the Cold War.
Is China Trying to Draw the United States into Imperial Overstretch?
In its competition with the United States, Beijing might be attempting to win without firing a shot.
After Duterte Scraps VFA, What’s Next for the US-Philippine Alliance?
The Visiting Forces Agreement was the glue that held the US-Philippines security relationship together.
The Bering Strait: A New Chokepoint for Great Power Competition
The Northern Sea Route through the Arctic will alter global trade flows and in doing so create new geopolitical chokepoints. Chief among them is the Bering Strait, where US, Russian, and Chinese interests converge.
Game of Straits: Chinese Military Bases and the SLOC Dilemma
If Beijing is serious about securing the SLOC, the construction of new overseas military bases is a matter of ‘when,’ not ‘if.’
Troubled Waters: The US Navy and the Return of Great Power Politics
Naval power has been a key element of great power conflict in the past, and growing hostility between the United States and China won’t prove an exception.
China-India Relations: A Pearl Is Unstrung in the Maldives
Opposition politician Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has won the Maldives’ general election, putting China’s latest foray into India’s backyard in jeopardy.