In Search of an Independent China Policy in Post-Duterte Philippines
A more holistic approach will be needed if the Philippines is to craft a China policy that’s actually fit for purpose.
Thailand’s Student Protestors Take On Military and the Monarchy
Thanks to a broad anti-government pro-democracy youth movement, risky calls to reform the Thai monarchy are breaking new ground.
Fostering Vietnam-Australia Defense Ties Matters for Both Sides
With increasing overlap in their defense and trade interests, it only makes sense that Vietnam and Australia take the next step in their bilateral relationship.
Beyond the Narrative of Progress in Myanmar’s Panglong Peace Initiative
With a national election fast approaching, barriers to peace remain in Myanmar’s ethnic borderlands.
US Raises the Flag, and Stakes, in South China Sea
Is Washington’s newfound assertiveness on the South China Sea dispute a matter of long-term statecraft, or short-term electioneering?
Vietnam’s Leadership in ASEAN: Opportunity in Crisis
Over the second half of 2020, Vietnam should focus on integrating the informal economy with the formal economy and resuming negotiations for a code of conduct in the South China Sea.
Vietnam Repels another Enemy at the Border: COVID-19
This time Hanoi’s preferred weapons were science-based policy and epidemic planning.
Backgrounder: Agriculture 4.0 in Vietnam
In Vietnam we can see many of the challenges, and solutions, to farming in the era of climate change.
Indonesia and Vietnam: The Quest for ASEAN Leadership
ASEAN leadership has never been a straightforward proposition, but the COVID-19 pandemic and China’s increasing assertiveness in the South China Sea are making it even more geopolitically fraught.
Washington Slow to Connect Its Blue Dot Network
If it is ever to rival China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the Blue Dot Network has a lot of catching up to do.