Canada Falling Short on Arctic Sovereignty
Canada’s Harper government has failed to achieve its goal of asserting Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic.
The East-West Ukraine Freeze Will Not Spread to the Arctic
The economic potential of the Arctic has helped keep relations between Arctic Council members cordial since 1991. But does Canada’s recent snub at a council meeting in Moscow mean that things are about to change?
Canada’s Arctic Defense Policy: Grand Theory, Stunted Practice
Is Canada really on its way to becoming an Arctic military power?
The Arctic Game Goes Cordial
The rules governing the scramble for the Arctic are beginning to crystalize and surprisingly enough they indicate a peaceful process of conflict resolution going forward.
ANALYSIS: Arctic Summit
Arctic states are attempting to push forward on a collaborative approach to solving land claims at an international summit in Moscow.
A US-Canada compromise on the Arctic?
While the usual international posturing on the Arctic continues unabated, signs are beginning to emerge that Canada and the United States might be able to put their differences behind them.