Comments on: Russia’s Foray into Ukraine: Lessons from the Chechnya Conflict Military, Politics, Economy, Energy Security, Environment, Commodities Geopolitical Analysis & Forecasting Mon, 23 Apr 2018 18:18:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: William Toffan Mon, 06 Oct 2014 23:41:00 +0000 This article is either intentionally misleading or incredibly uninformed. With respect to the US ‘evidence’ of anti-Kiev rebels being responsible for the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner, I have yet to see it. As a matter of fact, Russia has publicly demanded in the UN Security Council that the US produce its evidence , all to no avail. Neither have the western nations repudiated or addressed the Russian satellite and radar evidence showing Ukrainian BUK launchers in the vicinity of the shoot-down as well as the incontrovertible evidence from both technical and eye-witness accounts of Ukrainian fighter jets tailing the doomed airliner. The West simply ignores it, correctly assuming that the short attention span and indifference of the western peoples will prevail. This article is a joke.

By: anthony fussell Mon, 11 Aug 2014 19:59:00 +0000 this piece shows a complete understanding of the situation and the realities and dangers that Putin with his supply of arms without the means to control their firing, has brought us to. The violent targeting of families also will not work in this sort of civilization where tribal fighters have for centuries endured the type of fighting that they excel at, short guerilla activity. In case anyone is under any misapprehension of what these people are like, they should watch the video of the Taliban prisoner’s who escaped captivity and shot several inept US captors, special forces etc. The filming showed one Afghan who was shot twice going over the wall using a makeshift crutch and wandering off to join his pals in the hills. Our SAS people survived that attack but the Americans did not. To fight these sort of people, even if you can shoot their families now and again to reduce their numbers is not a strategy that will produce long term “wins” and of course not peace. These people also do not recognize boundaries imposed by Russia, Britain after 14 18 war or at anything like that. They are opportunists with a like for fighting for the sake of fighting and have an innate understanding of politics of the region. Anthony.
