Comments on: Russia-Vietnam Ties Reinvigorated Military, Politics, Economy, Energy Security, Environment, Commodities Geopolitical Analysis & Forecasting Mon, 16 Apr 2018 16:08:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maddog Mike Sat, 11 Jul 2015 20:50:00 +0000 Very interesting article. The “great game” continues in South China Sea. Vietnam is moving towards the capability to take out China’s Hainan Island military capability and also China’s “new islands” future military forces. This should make China think carefully about its aggressive moves in the region.

By: Gerry Downing Wed, 24 Jun 2015 06:57:00 +0000 Very interesting article. Resurrected China Russia rivalries in South East Asia making forging of Eurasian bloc against USA problematic but possibly of resolution of conflict between China and Vietnam over those islands and their oil resources. Shift of balance of forces back to Russia / Vietnam due to qualify of new Russian hardware. And Socialist Fight needs to update its list of Russian overseas bases. The Vietnam base definitely counts as a Russian military base once more, and moreover one not in the former USSR. And the Russian / India alliances reviving militarily?

And don’t you like the “ballistic” pun in the following quote from the article:

“Russian built submarines armed with the potent Klubs are expected to play a critical role in any conflict in the South China Sea. According to one analyst, the land-attack cruise missiles mark a “massive shift” advancing Vietnam’s naval capabilities. “They’ve given themselves a much more powerful deterrent that complicates China’s strategic calculations.”

It is believed Chinese warships have no effective defense against missile like Klub, which why they have gone ballistic about Russia selling them to Vietnam.

While the Kilos are being built, Russia and India are currently in charge of training Vietnamese officers who will work in the submarines.”

By: raycome Wed, 24 Jun 2015 06:53:00 +0000 If China is Vietnams only enemy, why is China Vietnams’ largest trading partner? Let’s not confuse political hubris with Vietnam’s broader relationship.

By: captainjohann samuhanand Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:46:00 +0000 Vietnam’s only enemy is China at present. USA wants Chinese market and cannot be trusted unlike Russia which has given advanced weapons.
