Comments on: Russia Moves to Annex Eastern Ukraine Military, Politics, Economy, Energy Security, Environment, Commodities Geopolitical Analysis & Forecasting Wed, 26 Jan 2022 02:44:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: AndrewO Fri, 04 Jul 2014 12:38:00 +0000 You should date your articles… This was written when… In April? Obviously, the rumors of Ukraine’s death in Eastern Ukraine were greatly exaggerated!

By: Mark Thu, 17 Apr 2014 11:42:56 +0000 Russia has a history of expansionism and ‘russification’of other countries, at what point do Russians take responsibility for adopting a failed ideology i.e. Communism rather than trying to blame the West for all their failings. Khruschev gave the Crimea to the Ukraine, that was a mistake but it was Russia’s mistake, communism has slaughtered many ethnic minorities now the Russians bleat about the fact that they are unpopular. Russia dosen’t have a democracy just an ex KGB Tsar propped up by criminals, get real.

By: guest Tue, 15 Apr 2014 08:46:52 +0000 Nonsense! Leave Ukraine alone! What happened, has happened. They have their weak and cowardly politicians in Kiev.. maybe, they deserve it now. Surely no one wants them as they are now- the country is a BANKRUPT, it will be a very costly annexation for anyone… Putin is not that stupid – to pay for the criminals who robed the country. have a bit of mercy for the common people…start preparing for humanitarian help…

By: Postulating Pete Tue, 15 Apr 2014 01:44:54 +0000 Well from the other side of the world, it looks like the Russians are on the move again, this time fuelled by gas driven revenue. NO country has the right to annex any country no matter how much they have invested in it. How many times has Russia invited international investment only to years later declare the finished foreign owned infrastructure State Owned and the investing companies had to eat it!
When this is over, Europe, including Russia, will be a mess again. Many thousands of innocent people will die in the coming winter when gas supply lines are destroyed and cut in protest then No-body in the East will have peace.
If you truly believe that Putin is not involved then Putin needs to say so and put-in end to the whole affair. He has his port now he needs to abide by the law and wait for the next elections.
When will you people understand the nature of a TRUE democracy. We don’t always get what we want in the first trial but you can vote them out the next time, if that’s what the people want! thats how the rest of the democratic world makes it work. Russian shoe banging won’t do anything for this post GFC world except start a war.

By: Mississauga Dad Mon, 14 Apr 2014 17:46:42 +0000 Many people are saying it’s none of our business to get involved, that Ukraine is not our concern. So let me ask then, when is it our concern?
1. When Russia invades all of Ukraine?
2. When Putin decides to ‘protect’ Russians in Moldova – there are 1000 Russian troops in Moldova already.
3. When Putin decides he wants to take back Belarus – looks very probable before summer.
4. When Russia invades Armenia? (Russia has immense financial and strategic interest in Armenia – particularly in the ownership of most of Armenia’s gas and electricity production – and overall a large majority of Armenian enterprise is Russian owned – certainly a major set of assets that needs ‘protetcing’.
5. When Russia invades Azerbaijan? (the largest Russian diaspora in the region – sounds like a good excuse to ‘protect’ ethnic Russians’)
6. Georgia? Woops. Sorry. Already done that.
7. When Russia invades Kazakhstan? (Russian space centre there – Putin decides it will be the RUSSIAN Space Centre again. ALL American astronauts rely on it).
8. Kyrgyzstan? I hear that the Kyrgystan takeover is already in motion.
9. Turkmenistan? Uzbekistan? Tajikistan?
10. Lithuania? Estonia? Latvia? Lithuania already has a large troublemaking Russian population.
11. Bulgaria?
12. Romania?
13. Hungary – got practice on that one already.
14. Slovakia and Czech Republic – lots of experience there too.
15. Poland? Don’t I recall an invasion of Poland (albeit by someone else originally) causing major issues a few years back – I think it was called WWII.
16. Finland? It has been so terrified of the Russian bear over the years that it would be easy pickings.
17. How about if Putin decided he wanted East Germany back?
18. How about the disputed Kuril Islands?
19. What if Putin decides to put nuclear missiles in Cuba again?
20. How about if he decides to ‘protect’ the Socialist Republic of Venezuela and its oil resources from outside threat by providing Venezuela with a massive buildup of Russian military materiel?
21. What if Putin decides that much of the Arctic that Canada has claimed for decades is REALLY on Russian land? Do we just say “Yeah, no problem. Take it. It’s yours”. You can be 100% sure that Putin IS GOING TO challenge many of Canada’s Arctic territorial claims. He has already planted a Russian flag at the North Pole under the ice on the sea bottom.
22. How about if Putin decides that Russian didn’t get enough in the Alaska purchase deal and he wants it back?
At what point is it OUR business?

By: Tatyna Mon, 14 Apr 2014 14:18:38 +0000 It’s pure lie, please stop making false stories… Russia has nothing to do with the eastern Ukraine, and sure has no intentions annexation. As far as Crimea, Russia only returned its own land that was unjustly annexated by Ukraine during the USSR desintegrayion. And this return was made according to all international laws.
By the way the US practices in Ukraine are against all reasonable laws and rules. Please, let people deside their fate by themselves, stop teaching everyone your false democracy, deal with your own problems.

By: FreeOregon Mon, 14 Apr 2014 14:02:48 +0000 Instead of assuming Putin would do what you would do were you in his position, why not listen to him?

Why are we concerned about Ukraine? Haven’t we caused sufficient problems? We’ve stolen the Ukrainian gold. How much more impoverished must we make them for them to invite in Russia with life saving supplies and food? Are we in a position to give humanitarian aid? We cannot even take care of our own people in our own country.

By: Speck Mon, 14 Apr 2014 13:57:10 +0000 "Russia military-issue AK-47s"

There is no other variety! So this is clearly a try to manipulate the reader’s perception unduly.

By: Gary James Mon, 14 Apr 2014 13:33:32 +0000 They should put this issue to a vote again as a referendum and let the people of the eastern Ukraine vote and decide if they want to be annexed by Russia. Why should the EU and the USA have their nose in this matter when the super majority of the people from the Crimea (97%) voted in favor of seceding from Ukraine and becoming part of Russia. Let the people chose the Government rather than the dishonest politicians chose it for them.

By: Gary James Mon, 14 Apr 2014 13:32:43 +0000 They should put this issue to a vote again as a referendum and let the people of the eastern Ukraine vote and decide if they want to be annexed by Russia. Why should the EU and the USA have their nose in this matter when the super majority of the people from the Crimea (97%) voted in favor of seceding from Ukraine and becoming part of Russia. Let the people chose the Government rather than the dishonest politicians chose it for them.
