Comments on: Beyond Paris, Fascism is the Real Enemy for EU Military, Politics, Economy, Energy Security, Environment, Commodities Geopolitical Analysis & Forecasting Mon, 16 Apr 2018 18:21:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tim Turner Thu, 19 Mar 2015 13:33:00 +0000 George Friedman is a far left academy liberal. You can see it in this article his organization puts out.
What is happening in Europe is they are starting to realize this utopia of the far left that has dominated Europe for the last 30 years is false and destructive. The younger generation is starting to wise up and start to shift their thinking a little toward the middle (mind you they are still in the far left crazy land). This slight shift to the right has George all up in arms screaming Nazi’s and walking around in a goose step. Shameful and very transparent.

By: bcainw Thu, 15 Jan 2015 14:13:00 +0000 The Coming War: Nationalism Vs Islam

Finally the European people are coming to their senses: Islam is becoming a huge problem. Coupling economic decline and elevated birth rates, among the Muslim population, has the makings of a Trojan Horse of immense proportions. The “problem” began with massive immigration after WWII. The problem exploded in recent years when they began to reunify family members connected to the burgeoning Muslim immigrant population.

Ring a bell anyone. Obama’s DACA and related executive orders, along with religious NGO’s (bringing in hordes of Muslim immigrants), is also a immigrant family reunification plan. And it is something we must begin to fight against, tooth and nail.

Islam is a particularly pernicious meme in that (1) Islam is resistant to ANY reform (e.g., the European Reformation), (2) A majority of “reformed” Muslims do support Anti-American ideas (apostasy, blashphemy, dhimmitude etc.) and (3) nearly 50% of American Muslim support Sharia law which enshrine these idiotic, Medieval ideas.

As they say “when you find yourself in a deep hole, what is the first thing you must do?”

Answer: Stop digging yourself in deeper.

The solution then become quite obvious. Stop any further Muslim immigration or we will be setting the stage for the same shit that happened in France last week.

This, by the way, is not meant as a swipe at American Muslims. Frankly my fear is that after another “911” attack they could be put in internment camps as we did during WWII to the Germans and Japanese. By stopping ALL IMMIGRATION it will be far more likely that they will FINALLY assimilate to our culture and FINALLY honor their oath of citizenship. And that would mean supporting freedom of speech over supporting violent reactions to blasphemy and other imaginary “crime.”

The next few years will be telling. Will we demand these measure or will we sit back and get ready to become Dhimmi’s in our own country?

By: 衛德理 Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:37:00 +0000 The crypto-fascists are doing a good job of displaying their arrogance herein below. Author does need to write more concisely and directly. In brief, Europe’s morals are entirely compromised. In fact Europe has allowed and supported fascism to rise again in its midst. Even the acts of so-called “Muslim Fundamentalists” are Euro-centric action based on a binary logic that is founded upon fascist principles. The heart of fascism is the desire of certain groups to retain (or to obtain) hierarchical dominance of society. Europe has supported Salfists while trying to eliminate moderate Islam embodied by Sufism (and other non-fundamentalist sects and populations) which embraces Christian ideals sans racist content of some denominations and poses an even greater “civilizational threat” (read overthrow of my socio-economic elite group) and which would insist on the role of morality in society rather than amoral real-politik. Europe’s leaders and political class are incapable of ethical action or rule. If European don’t want to live under a federal “Republic” that acts as a fascist empire whose excesses abroad are now brought home to high street they need to show some real moral fiber and stop bullshitting about how moral and “superior” they are and take actions that comply with morality.

Unfortunately there are those who rather than focus on present want to bandy about their racial stereotypes and excuse there inaction. Hello? Is there anyone listening? We live more freely here in Asia now than you do in Europe. And sure there is much room still for improvement but we know and freely admit the issues our faults and weaknesses on our way to self-improvement. Europe lives in denial. Despite your technology and achievements you are sliding back into savagery due to a lack of moral fortitude.

By: Cranios Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:17:00 +0000 In reply to Mark My Words.

I do think people care what ISIS is doing in Iraq/Syria, but I’m not certain that ISIS slaughtering people by the truckloads in someone else’s country obligates us to respond, nearly so much as ISIS butchering even a few people in our own country does. Particularly when the “world community” and the Left insist that any strikes be surgical and with little collateral damage and therefore small-scale and costly (i.e., ineffective).
As far as Obama is concerned, the man is clearly so conflicted by his deep-seated liberal beliefs (which are in constant conflict with reality) that he’s one of the most morally confused people alive.
The distant histories of the Catholic Church and Islam are so far back in time that really they are irrelevant. It remains to be seen whether Islam can be rehabilitated into something that isn’t profoundly stupid and violent, on balance.

By: parorchestia Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:56:00 +0000 In reply to Julian harston.

Correct. I put it down to the author’s narrow navel gazing into European affairs. Wasn’t Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and the petty but dreadful dictators of Korea etc etc just as fascist as Hitler or Mussolini? Fascism is best described as blind, doctrinaire dictatorship, so includes so-called communist as well as right wing dictatorships. There will always be people who will try to seize unbridled power, and the west must be constantly on guard. Policies of sweetness and light such as those advanced in this wooly, confused article, will destroy us.
As for the Ukraine, the author should read some hostory of the terrible treatment this region went through both from the Germans and the Russians. Naturally, Ukrainians now feel threatened by people they have every right to despise and fear. To call them neofascists is a grave insult.

By: Mark My Words Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:47:00 +0000 In reply to Cranios.

I would venture that the problem is not so much inherent in Islam as it is in the medievalist form (Wahhabism/Salafism) promoted by the Saudis and others. Though it is undeniable that Islam was extended throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Southern Europe at the point of a sword, in reasonable reaction to which the Crusades were launched, it is also true that Christianity (not the teachings of Christ, but of those who sought to pervert it into a means of preserving worldly power through violence) was not always a source of enlightenment and tolerance. We should recall that Andalucia under Muslim rule was (in great cities such as Seville, Cordoba and Granada) far more tolerant of intellectual ferment and religious diversity than was Roman Catholic Europe, or Andalucia after La Reconquista. The Muslims were, at one time, wise enough to realize that intellectual ferment and religious diversity were not only good for business, but for intellectual advancement. Most European, or Europeanized, Muslims with whom I have dealt are similarly urbane and cosmopolitan, though there is no denying that they remain very conservative on some social issues. We must not condemn all Muslims, but do all we can to raise up the tens or hundreds of millions of Muslims who hunger to live more as we do. Unfortunately, by snatching defeat from hard-won victory in Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama, with a lot of misguided encouragement from the European left, has cast them back into hellish extremism and chaos. The attack on “Charlie Hebdo” is but one of many tragic results. Strangely, many of those proclaiming “Je suis Charlie!” were also those most vocally in favor of allowing the rise of ISIS in Syria and doing nothing to end the subsequent slaughter throughout the region. So long as only innocent Muslims are being slaughtered by the truckload, they could not care less. Perhaps this will wake them, along with Obama and his fellow travelers, up to the consequences of their indifference?

By: Cranios Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:57:00 +0000 In reply to armchair_skeptic.

There are lots of cartoons drawn about Christian figures that would be considered just as inflammatory if Christians reacted to them the way Muslims do, that is, violently. But of course, they don’t, so you don’t think of them as inflammatory unless the cartoon is directed at violent Islam.
As to your second question, the restrictions on Holocaust denial were instituted to keep down a violent ideology, Naziism. Now we face another violent ideology, Islam. We can either clamp down on it, or flood the world with Mohammed satire to keep that ideology down. I prefer the second approach, because the first would indeed be hypocritical. You can’t have the freedom to speak without also having the freedom to offend – because no matter what you say, someone will disagree or be offended. The Islamic world needs to understand that there will be no special treatment for Muslims. Once they see that, they’ll hopefully get used to the idea.

By: Cranios Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:50:00 +0000 In reply to Mark My Words.

I don’t think Islam should be promoted, “moderate” or not. It has proven itself to be incompatible with freedom of thought and expression, and you only get so many tries.
Agree completely with your comments about Europe – when you do bad things (like murder the unborn) there’s no telling what the evil consequences will be, eventually.

By: armchair_skeptic Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:50:00 +0000 In reply to Mark My Words.

Well said, and thanks for shedding some light on the subject matter. Truth be told I think some of the underlying political tradition and current forces at work in Europe can be lost on a North American (at least in my case).

By: Mark My Words Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:39:00 +0000 In reply to Cranios.

Quite right, but on a continuum of RELATIVE tolerance, Turkey is the best of a bad lot, and is our best hope (among no ideal choices) for destroying radical Islam and promoting moderate Islam (I agree there is reason to question whether such a thing exists) throughout the Muslim world and Europe, which is demographically doomed to become more Muslim because of the nihilistic promotion of the mass murder of the unborn, in a post-modern Europe so full of hypocrisy that it no longer recognizes absolute evil when it stares it in the face.
