Comments on: Assad Key to Any Political Solution in Syria Military, Politics, Economy, Energy Security, Environment, Commodities Geopolitical Analysis & Forecasting Mon, 16 Apr 2018 17:57:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: DB Wed, 29 Apr 2015 12:17:00 +0000 Excellent, refreshing article void of the usual narrative (party line) found in most MSM outlets today.

But I wonder if Syria was ever going to escape this perpetual misery? Conspiratorial or not, the facts are that the US wants to ween Europe off of Russian natural gas, Qatar has some of the largest deposits of LNG (the Clinton’s very cosy with the Qatari Monarchy), and al Assad – at the behest of the Russians were not going to allow Qatar to run an LNG pipeline through Syria into Europe.

The Baathist Party under al Assad never came close to resembling the Baathist Party in Iraq. It has never been completely proven that al Assad was the evil tyrant the West makes him out to be. Sure he is responsible for running his country with a heavy-hand but do I even need to compare his dictatorial leadership with our “greatest Middle Eastern ally” Saudi Arabia?

If al Assad is removed the future continues to look hideous for the Syrians and the entire region. What we should do now, and should always have done was support Assad to ensure Syria never devolved into the jihadist cauldron it has now become.

By: lily hidalgo Wed, 11 Mar 2015 03:39:00 +0000 Leadership in general is personality-centered — esp the ability (personal skills/charisma etc) and capacity to influence/control the nation/state/society’s structures & resources. Democratic or not — their organization, networks, systems etc (formal & informal) are interwoven into the fabrics of their social/cultural/economic/geo-poitical etc spheres that augur if not make for their national identity and r cohesion. Without these understanding, outsiders may unwittingly if not foolishly disrupt these environment (anchored on a peoples’ shared history/experiences/world view) that keep for a unified functional national community & governance—whatever it may be. The battle for hearts & minds is — all about their hearts & minds. There is only one Supreme Being who created the world “in 7 days”. Based on history …who ever has created a democratic society in weeks/months or few years from the ashes of war, destruction & human suffering? Shazam who?

By: Frank Underhill Tue, 10 Mar 2015 04:52:00 +0000 Indeed!

But isn’t the name ISIS/ISIL old? I’m quite certain they renamed themselves the Islamic State in June of 2014. The mainstream media still seems to be hanging on to the old labels. The media does it out of ignorance, but politicians do it for political reasons that make sense. But the mixing up of the labels is definitely confusing people.

By: Fernando Alonso Ojeda Mon, 09 Mar 2015 14:55:00 +0000 humanity does not learn to mix religion and politics … besides being perverse NEVER ENDS WELL
