Russia-Iran Strategic Partnership: Geopolitical and Economic Implications
The newly announced Russia-Iran strategic partnership codifies and expands the longstanding trend of warming bilateral relations, but it’s not quite a game-changer in the security sphere.
The Middle Corridor: A Route Born of the New Eurasian Geopolitics
The Middle Corridor has risen to prominence as global supply chains adapt to new geopolitical realities. Yet challenges remain before the corridor can fully supplant traditional Eurasian routes.
PLA’s Modernization Effort Marches On
Examining China’s military-wide modernization program, which is expanding Beijing’s power projection capabilities and rapidly narrowing the qualitative gap with the United States.
Geopolitics of the GIUK Gap: Past, Present, and Future
The GIUK Gap – a mainstay of 20th century naval strategy – is taking on new importance amid mounting Russian naval activity, Arctic expansion, and emerging hybrid threats.
Hungary’s Democratic Crisis: A Test for Western Resolve
Budapest benefits from NATO and the EU while simultaneously undermining them. Both institutions must hold Budapest to account, or risk further democratic backsliding in Hungary and elsewhere.
AI’s Role in Countering Iranian Attacks on Aerospace Systems
The threat of attack on government and commercial satellite systems is mounting amid the Israel-Hamas War, but risks can be mitigated if operators abide by best practices.
Israel-Hamas Ceasefire: What It Means and What Comes Next
Without a clear, internationally backed strategy for Gaza’s future, the ceasefire may simply be a temporary pause before the next round of conflict.
Human Rights Key as Tokyo and Riyadh Mark Bilateral Milestone
Through its association with Saudi Arabia and other Middle East states, Japan must find a way to lead on human rights again. The growing partnership with Riyadh stands as a critical test.
Pakistan and Bangladesh Elections: A Study in US Inconsistency
Two different troubled elections, two different responses from the United States. Will the Trump administration bring consistency to US foreign policy toward South Asia?
Argentina: Democracy in a Bain-marie
Argentine politics may appear business-as-usual under Javier Milei, but a closer look reveals a troubling if slow erosion of democratic principles.