Living for Gdansk: The Spirit of Solidarity in 2024
Gdansk, much like Poland as a whole, embodies a living history that continues to shape the balance of power in Europe and the broader geostrategic landscape.
M23 Talks Stall as Violence Flares in Eastern DRC
A renewed wave of hostilities between Rwanda- and government-backed rebels has broken out in eastern DRC, with both sides vying to control lucrative mining areas.
Hezbollah’s Military Tactics in the Post-Nasrallah Era
Despite Israeli successes in eliminating Hezbollah’s leadership, the group still appears ready and able to conduct a prolonged war of attrition in southern Lebanon.
Israel’s Iran Strike: A New Power Dynamic in the Middle East
With Israeli strikes now landing inside Iran, Tehran faces a dilemma in managing a conflict that has historically been fought via indirect means.
The Benin Model: China’s Africa Strategy in Action
For an example of how China has successfully embedded itself into the culture, politics, and economic systems of African states, look no further than Benin.
BRICS Kazan Summit: Ambiguous Ambition in Pursuit of Multipolar World
The BRICS Kazan Summit showcased the bloc’s strengths in advancing the interests of the Global South, but also some of the challenges in reaching consensus amid such ideological, regional, and geopolitical diversity.
NATO-Sans-Washington: Not Ready for War
Though the Ukraine war led to increased defense spending in European NATO member states, the continent remains far off from being able to credibly defend itself without assistance from Washington.
The Egypt-Eritrea-Somalia Alliance: A Strategic Counterbalance to Ethiopia
Egypt, Somalia, and Eritrea are banding together to contain Ethiopia’s expansion in Eastern Africa, producing far-reaching consequences for the geopolitics of the continent.
Libya’s Wealth Reborn: Can a SWF Flip the Script on Development?
Libya’s $70 billion sovereign fund is set to have its assets unfrozen by year-end. What’s next for the embattled country?
A Space Arms Race Heats Up with China and Russia
As satellites come to play an ever more central role in military communications, the Outer Space Treaty becomes harder to enforce, as exemplified in recent advances in space warfare in Russia and China.